Space Clearing Kits



The Space Clearing protocol initiative came about from a dedicated effort to reclaim Earth our Home, and repair the fabric of space/time that has allowed for this reality to be ‘hacked’. Through years and months of focused work, the protocol emerged clearly in meditation. Much needed to be put into place — new Power sigils and blessings by the Seer Almine, and other alchemical work, until it was ready to activate and share in Summer of 2021.

Join a growing network of those maintaining pristine spaces, into which powerful blessings flow daily. The Space Clearing Protocol is designed to yield exponential blessings to all who join. Through gemstone alchemy and alchemical tools received by the Seer Almine, a daily protocol is followed  that clears one’s personal space, and by proxy, also all the spaces that are setup with the Space Clearing alchemy.  In this manner, participants receive clearing blessings continually around the clock.

We are told that it is our duty to step up as Guardians of Space and of Time, and how to do this is very clearly given through the Seer’s work. We are reclaiming Earth our Home, and clearing the shadow that has obscured the Infinite’s design for life on earth. Only in the last year have things fallen into place to make it truly possible to establish a self-sovereign reality for oneself, that is wholly outside of the ‘hacked’ reality of shadow.

This protocol is suitable for those lightworkers wishing to step up in proactive engagement that is not oppositional in any way. for practitioners who wish to have powerful tools to support clients, as well as for anyone who is looking for effective ways to clear the interference from nanotech, 5G satellites, and disruptive EMFs, ELFs, and geopathic stress.   For those, you will get much more than you may think possible.

Read about the Space Clearing Protocol and what it achieves, on the Space Clearing Protocol Page.

There are two ways to participate

  1. Fully stepping up as Guardians of Space and Time, which is our role at present, and how we may establish Heaven on Earth
  2. Receiving the Blessings daily (from those stepping up as Guardians on Earth)

Either option contributes to the reclamation of the Earth our Home and central fractal pattern for cosmic life, as your space becomes of a higher vibration and refined light, and part of a fluid interconnected grid on the planet, which will act as entrainment field to attune all life to the ‘New Reality’ — the true Dream of Source.

Those stepping up as Guardians and expressor of a new reality have the benefit of supporting these blessings for clients and loved ones, through a ritual process using the 4-corner triangulation Space Clearing Protocol box set (included in the Deluxe kit, but can be purchased separately.

The General Package for the Space Clearing Protocol

Four-Corners alchemy with gemstones

  • 4 elite shungite on power stack
  • 4 pieces of amber (raw or polished) on a sigil + amber for meditation
  • 4 black tourmaline raw pieces on a sigil + large chunk or palmstone for meditation
  • 4 quartz clusters on a power stack
  • 4 small containers of alchemical bath salts
  • 4 selenite sticks on power sigil, for the base of the triangles


Main Protection

  • Large elite shungite chunk with power sigil (to clear 5G and EMF pollution, oxygenate the air, and purify beings in the space)
  • Large selenite sphere on stand, with power sigil (to absorb all hostile airwaves in the space, and negativity from people in the space)
  • Quartz cluster with power sigil, to amplify the alchemical power of the whole
  • Selenite plate on the main Space Clearing Power Sigil (keeps all gemstones purified) (Medium size for the basic kit; large size in the deluxe kit).
  • Pendant with the triangulation and power stack, alchemically created as a power object


Power Stacks with quartz sphere and clusters to amplify and intercommunicate across the Space Clearing network, and cards for the main ceremony done daily. The quartz crystal sphere acts as the main emitter and receiver of the insights and powers of the Space Clearing Initiative — it is a communication device that supports this fluid grid of refined spaces across the planet.

The Harmonizer Process: This is done as the first step of the daily protocol, to clear and harmonize the body, repairing the physical/etheric levels to prepare the body  for greater integration of the light bodies. You get a wand-shaped piece of elite shungite, which is paired with a selenite wand or stick–the gemstones pulse their tones, and healing/activation takes place in the body. Both gemstones are kept at high function as they are stored on their power sigils. The Seer has blessed the harmonizer process, optimizing the way the tones pulse together to clear and activate the body.

Other Alchemical Power Sigils

  • To bring fluidity and awareness to material possessions, upgrading their vibration to match the pristine space
  • For pets
  • An alchemical ‘box’ for the fridge, to purify food with power sigils and elite shungite (temporarily out of stock)
  • Power stacks and elite shungite for all devices (WiFi, fuse box, computers, phones, TV, for purse/pocket, etc)
  • Power sigils for food purification and clearing nanotech (under mattresses)

Additional pieces of elite shungite may be ordered, to place in bedrooms where a person may have disturbed sleep. Four extra pieces (approx 80-100 grams) are included in the deluxe package.

Other Materials Included

  • PDFs with information on the gemstones and upgraded power, the ceremony protocol etc.
  • Webinar recordings
  • Video meditation to clear the body
  • Audio support meditations (to come)


Deluxe Package Additions

  • All gemstones are larger a/o clear versus rough, etc.
  • Selenite plate is larger, and the elite shungite is a larger chunk (around 300 grams or equivalent, instead of approx 200gr).(Approx $60-85 upgrade)
  • 4 large triangle boxes with compartment for the setup (for each of transporting and cleaning the corners of your space). (may be purchased separately for $65 – send an email for this option)
  • 4-corners triangle boxes (small) to set up on an altar for healing loved ones or clients, or in-home for a loved one (for the aged or ill). (may be purchased separately for $150)
  • Two sets of 4 additional pieces of elite shungite with power stacks (approx 80-100 grams per set) to place in 4-corners of a child’s bedroom (or your own), where a person may have disturbed sleep or is feeling ill. Can be set up in a room where TV is watched or computer games played, etc.  (A set may be purchased separately for $55 – send an email for this option)
  • Activated by the Seer: polished amber stone to support attuning to potential and its unleashing into our lives.  This supports us to powerfully express the fullness of the day, which maintains purity in our environment.  (A $50 value)



  • Basic package cost is USD$375 – Contents described above.
  • Deluxe is $625 – Contents described above.
  • Alchemical materials only (you will source your own gemstones and upgrade alchemically)
  • Custom packages – email to get started
  • 4-Corners alchemy only, to receive the daily blessings $275 (comes with audio meditations)
  • 4-Corners alchemy for travel a/o for sacred ritual on loved ones and clients $150 (included in the deluxe package) – This option is only available for those who already have a SCP package and are doing the daily ritual.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Type of Kit

Basic SCP Kit, Deluxe SCP Kit, Alchemical Materials Only, 4-Corners Alchemy to Receive Blessings Only, Add-on 4-corners Alchemy for Travel or Client Support


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